As the change of the extension of mean life and social living conditions, coronary heart disease has in the incidence of a disease of our country increase a current, the coronary heart disease in patient of bravery line operation the person is corresponding also grow in quantity. 随着平均寿命的延长和社会生活条件的变化,冠心病在我国的发病率有增加趋势,胆道手术病人中冠心病人也相应增多。
The angle drawn at the point of incidence ( intersection of) a reflected ray and the normal line perpendicular to the reflecting surface. 中义光线在物体表面的投射点上反射出来的光线与物体表面垂直法线所夹的角度。
[ Objective] To investigate the cause of high incidence rate of malignant tumor in the front line workers in smithing workshop. [目的]调查某厂锻压车间生产一线职工恶性肿瘤高发的原因。
The measurements of Raman spectra on single crystals indicate that different incidence and acceptance directions will exert influence on the relative intensity of a Raman line. 对单晶体的喇曼光谱测定说明,不同的入射和接受方向只对谱带的相对强度产生影响。
Conclusion Therapeutic effectiveness for the prevention IS of TIC was better than ASA, there was no obvious difference between the incidence of its side effects in TIC group and ASA group, so TIC could serve as a first line drug for preventing IS. 结论TIC预防IS疗效明显优于ASA,其副作用发生率与ASA无显著差异性,故推荐TIC可作为预防IS的一线药物。
It is necessary for us to decipher the molecular mechanism of scrotal hernia and develop the corresponding molecular techniques for disease-resistance breeding, which contributing to reduce the incidence of pig scrotal hernia as well as cultivating disease-resistant new line pigs. 开展该疾病分子遗传机制研究,开发相应抗病分子育种技术,对降低猪阴囊疝疾患的发病率,培育抗病种猪新品系意义深远,同时,也为人类相关疾病的研究提供重要参考。
Power Line Inspection is the basic work to ensure the safe operation of power transmission lines, to improve power transmission system reliability and reduce the incidence of power line fault. 电力线路巡检是保证输变电线路安全运行、提高输供电系统可靠性、降低电力线路故障发生率的基础工作。